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Pablo Rincon

Ladies and gentlemen, hello. Another update, this one posted to Kickstarter as well. One bearing a CLARIFICATION (not to be confused with an apology). This update will include exciting NEW fantasy art to delight young and old, as is customary and we will discuss INHELL's current situation. We will have... A grand old time, you´ll see.

Down to business then...

"Why hasn't INHELL's second chapter come out?"

I made a commitment with my kind backers, and I haven't forgotten that commitment. I have kept up the updates, and kept showcasing in them snippets of the work on the luminous second chapter of INHELL.

The work proceeds, but I will grant that I have invested time on other endeavors, and also, I come to explain that, as I´ve worked on it, it has ballooned into something more ambitious than that which was originally planned.

The chapter, a grand (recently grown grander) affair titled "Sons and Daughters of Elysium" WILL be released in the not too distant future, I assure you, but I ask for you all to be patient. Focus on other joys and pursuits in your life, you will see it will come out before you know it!

I share here a storyboard, a rough draft of a bunch of pages that IMPOSED THEMSELVES. A particularity spectacular sequence you see, demanded to be shown in greater cinematic detail/luxury. THAT (and other reasons) is why "Sons and Daughters of Elysium" requires a tad more time in the oven.

There are two scenes, two "set-pieces" that I am really excited about. Can I tell you something about them? Tease them out? Let's see... Maybe with the aid of some audio-visual aides.

One of the scenes is intimate, romantic and watery. Think "Tidus x Yuna" in Final Fantasy X... The emotional tone is not the same, but the idea of floating, suspended, beyond time perhaps, a kind of return to a kind of benevolent, cosmic, luminous, soft, shared... WOMB. All that is very much part of one of the big scenes I´m currently working on.

That "Yu-me-MI-RUU" part tugs at my heart-strings something fierce...

That's one scene. The other is more or less this:

Only way way cooler. I´m taking inspiration mainly on the apocalyptical scenes in "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and the very Hellish/awesome artwork of one "Anatoly Fomenko"... I discovered his SHIT in "X" some time ago and was just floored.

Take a look:

Strong Satanic vibes! So cool!

So try to picture/combine those three things ("Tidus x Yuna" x "Eva apocalypse" x "Moses parts the red sea and sprinkle "the work of that Russian guy") on top... do that in your mind, with your mind´s eye... and you might get an idea of what will happen at the end of the second chapter.

Here is the rough plan for it:


Those LOOK like scribbles to you but what you see is in fact, the actual WORK all but DONE. All that remains now is the EXECUTION part of the equation (admittedly a part of it which can be quite laborious and time-consuming).

But at least now I am confident the conceptual part of the equation is complete. I think I have provided enough evidence, in the form of detailed dissertations, for you to seriously consider the idea that I pour deep thought and research into every detail of these pages. They are dense affairs. They are not merely "and then THIS happened and it looks cool" they are not, as I have explained merely cinematic... they are lushly HIEROGLYPHIC (you can read about the idea of "hieroglyphic comics" HERE)

In any case, like Shigeru Miyamoto says:

"A game that releases late is only late for awhile, a bad game is bad forever"

So, have faith, when "Sons and Daughters of Elysium" does release, in the not too distant future (first half of the next year) it will be really spectacular and profound and heartfelt.

In the meantime, let me post some cool new art:

A fan of Yayoi Kusama

And bid you adieu for now.

Have a great one! Catch you later!

Oh and REGISTER if you haven't!



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