Your friendly neighborhood GELADAA here, greeting you amicably.
Short and sweet! Lots of content for your eager, famished SOUL.
A shinny, golden, VIDEO ESSAY, featuring amazing new ART
(real cool stuff you have no seen before)
There IS a catch though.
It's in SPANISH!
So, if you understand Spanish, you can just go and watch that immediately:
Or you can LEARN Spanish if you don' t know it already) or use translation software...
You really should learn a second language (if you don' t know one already) as it will make your mind drastically more stereoscopic. Two voices proposing two different names for each thing you come across... Far more 3D, much greater depth-perception.
Or just check out the new pic/image/artwork shared within the video below:
The main thing to notice about it is how the lustrous black sphere serves various functions within the character's body and the picture (nose, eye, nipples etc.). Isn't that interesting/meaningful? Remember to click on the picture for better quality.

Oh, and this sneak peek into "In Hell's" second chapter:

Check out this OTHER VIDEO, This interview I did with none other but the kind and cool DAVE BRINK:
We try to keep busy, I suggest you do the same.
Catch you later!